Protect DEI, NO on SB93!

Sen. Stephen Meredith has introduced SB93 which is aimed at limiting and restricting the actions of Kentucky public school districts. Chief among these restrictions is a section aimed at prohibiting school districts from spending their own resources on programs to promote Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (usually shortened to DEI)

In an interview with Louisville Public Media Meredith claimed that this was an economic issue, to protect state resources if federal grant money were to end.

Meredith asks, “What happens at the end of this grant? Now Kentucky taxpayers are going to have to support that activity, and we have so many other needs. It doesn’t make sense. It’s not a priority.”

I strongly disagree with Sen. Meredith. DEI programs are important to the welfare of public-school students and faculty as well. Our culture is in constant turmoil and upheaval. Being able for students to learn how to accept change and work cooperatively with those different from themselves is just as important as mastering the core curriculum.

Instead of banning districts from purchasing DEI materials for "economic" reasons blamed on the Federal government I strongly urge Sen. Meredith, in his position on the state Senate Education Committee to find ways for the state of Kentucky to fund DEI programs independently from the Federal government. This would eliminate his concern for "what do we do when we run out of Federal grant money?!" 

Please contact Sen. Meredith at the Legislative Message Line 1-(800)-372-7181 and show your support for continued DEI funding. His email is:

Tell him straight out, you do NOT support HB93!

Sen. Meredith is running for re-election this year. You may also want to contact those running against him and discuss SB93 with them. They are:

Jamie Skudlarek and Thomas Ballinger.  


No on HB208 to Amend the KY Constituion